Oasis Springs Society – Rotation 3 – Summer – Cooper (2)

Welcome back to the Oasis Springs Society. This time, we’re back with the Coopers, Logan and Rocco’s happy little family in Brindleton Bay. What happened last time? Well, Logan got a job in the business career track to try and get some savings behind him whilst he attempted to continue hosting a range of successful parties. Rocco on the other hand, continued his stylist career track from home whilst searching for collectibles to complete his aspiration. They adopted little Meryl and got engaged at the end of the rotation.

We join the couple perfectly happy with having a relaxed morning, Logan is enjoying a cuddle with Meryl.

Meanwhile Rocco is fashion blogging to try and gain some experience.

But, the morning won’t stay very relaxed for long….

… that’s right! It’s wedding time!

God I love these two.

The guests start to filter in…

And I take that as a queue that we can start the ceremony. It seemed right to me that Logan and Rocco would be the sort of couple of marry in the city. I’ve also noticed that Rocco is wearing an entirely different suit?! But he also strikes me as the sort to do a costume change at his. own wedding.

sniff sniff, so beautiful.

I was also completely stunned to see the majority of the guests sitting in the actual chairs?! Knock me down with a feather.

The younger generation however are inside taking advantage of the bar facilities. Florence even flirted with Walter! Stop it girl! Not after the drama you gave me on your rotation!

Back at home, the couple ease in to married life. Although they decide that it isn’t just the pitter patter of Meryl’s tiny feet that they want to hear, and they’d really like a baby.

And it’s as easy as that? As Logan struts out the door to go to the clinic. I have been saving my first impressions of having a science baby particularly for these two, and I’m keen but also daunted to play infants!

So here she is, a little girl called Summer, named of course after the season of her birth (a constant reminder of her story so far)!

And then, a boy, Luciano, following with the Italian heritage that it is my headcanon that Rocco has. I’ve heard that twins were more common with science babies and sadly it has proven true for me. Don’t worry, I’m still trying to get a refund from the clinic. They shouldn’t have used everything that was in the tube if there was some going spare!

Anyway, for a brief moment, it’s like nothing has really changed as Rocco returns back to the computer to blog about this season’s hottest looks.

In fact, he steps up to father duties beautifully and is straight on it with the kids’ needs. However, I certainly think the pair will have their hands full. Summer spends most of her time crying, even when she’s perfectly happy.

Rocco: “it’s ok, she’s just a little diva like her daddy!”

I’m sure he will not be so cheerful at 3am.

Anyway, Nancy decides to come round. Not sure why but actually I’m quite surprised she didn’t organise a stay-over when the babies were born. I’ve also just realised the back on this dress which I’m not sure quite suits her now… but too late!

Rocco decides to show her some pictures of the babies even though they’re just upstairs.

And Nancy springs in to grandmother mode and starts to clean.

In fact, Rocco’s mum then comes over too which I just found hilarious and also really sweet that the new grandmothers would want to go round and help out.

As if we didn’t have enough visitors, Walter also stops by this evening. But he doesn’t stay for long.

Anyway, the boys have really got in to the swing of things. Although I am dreading what’s coming next.

Yes! It’s a birthday party!

I’ve kept it small this time by only inviting the two families; the Cooper’s and the McRae’s. Walter is also here as Logan’s best friend as I see him as more of a God father character? It would have been great if they introduced that in Growing Together, or the options for children to have ‘aunties’ and ‘uncles’ who are actually their parents’ family friends. Sigh, look at how Walter is looking at Florence…

But a good time was seemingly had by all as some dancing followed.

Anywho, this is the moment where all our lives drastically changed. Yes, Rocco, take a picture. I had mixed expectations about playing with infants, particularly twins(!!) from people’s reports online. Some comments I read and thought “pshh, how hard can it be?!” others made me dread this virtual baby experience. Part of me thought, I’m an experienced sims player (hahaha!) and have been playing since TS1 first came out, but crikey was I in for a shock. As you will soon find out.

Similarly, my in real life kid also barely ever slept and I really felt my stress levels rising playing with these two little boogers. Let’s see them shall we.

This is Luciano. He obviously has Rocco’s complexion and Logan’s hair.

Luciano thoughtfully rolled the trait wiggly infant and over time developed the quirks: snuggly sleeper, good appetite and feeding tinkler. Yes, how lucky am I.

In fact, the sims Gods must have heard me remark how fortunate I am when they blessed me with Summer’s traits.

Summer also rolled wiggly infant (you can’t make it up!) and her quirks became: loves wakeup time, good appetite, frequently sneezes.

I’m not going to lie, I was completely at sea. Two babies who defied sleep like they were in competition with each other felt back breaking. In the end Summer eventually nodded off on the living room floor, but I was so stupid with getting them to sleep that I could only let them sleep for a while as their other needs by that point were so low that I had to wake the babies to feed them. And thus, the vicious cycle continues.

In the calamity I was happy to take this cute pic of Summer and Meryl.

And Rocco has been honing his photography skill recently for his career, so here’s a cute pic of Logan!

Rocco’s brother also decides to come over, but offers no practical help whatsoever and instead decides to argue over chess. Families, right?! You can’t choose ’em!

I forget who this is, possibly Luciano? To be fair it’s all a repressed blur, but one of the kids had a nappy explosion so poor Rocco who hasn’t even emptied his own bladder yet decides to take care of the kid that is now more poop than child.

Stink crisis averted, we head to the park for Rocco to look for crystals. Shockingly there weren’t any… go figure. Although Summer was happy snuggling up indoors with daddy.

And Logan was super-dad all the way back home too. Look at that for a picture. I cracked up, “calling daddy-day-care”!

Oh gosh yes, cry Luciano, cry. I haven’t heard enough of it already! Honestly if it’s not one, it’s the other…

Although infants’ feet are HELLA CUTE!!!

We take our moments when we can get them in this house. I think for a couple of hours at least both of the babies slept. Ready to do it all again in the morning.

Speaking of which. Rocco looks a little worse for wear which is totally not becoming of the next big name in fashion. However, this is how we look here now, for the sake of the children…

Meanwhile, Logan has been working throughout all of this and then coming home and dealing with the kids. I realise he has done nothing for himself this whole time. So he gets to go on a jog and that’s about it.

Logan: “urge to kill drifting…. drifting…”

Also, when I stop looking at the kids for all of two milliseconds, I really appreciate this beautiful view!

Although these kids are just so dang cute. I almost don’t care if both Rocco and Logan are steaming flesh bags of filth, so long as the babies are ok.

And we finally seem to get in to some form of a routine of how life must go on even with these demanding tiny sims.

Meryl, on the other hand, has been severely neglected this whole rotation. I don’t think I’ve pet her, brushed her or bathed her once. Sigh, sweet Meryl. So unassuming, so forgiving. She just loves going under the table or the sofa and having some time to herself.

Still, I had done some reading on infants in between play sessions and realised that I had the glitch where milestones weren’t saving or being applied. For example, I was forever getting notifications that either Luciano or Summer was meeting a new milestone, yet it never stuck or I never saw it.

Yes, turns out it’s a glitch that wasted me *so* much time. My babies may well have been much more independent by now if the thing actually worked properly! *AHEM* Whatever, turns out the fix to this nonsense is to go back in to manage worlds and then re-enter your family. You’re welcome. So that’s what we did and finally the kids are learning things.

How cute is he?! And Meryl is also so pleased!

Later that evening, Logan finally snaps.

He has the jealous trait anyway as some of you may remember. I don’t think he’s kissed his husband or even touched him since the kids were born and everyone’s needs were low.

Logan, however, was not the only thing kicking up a stink in the kids’ room. This is how most of the house looks now.

Can you tell I’m having a really rough time?!

And then! For Plumbob’s sake Logan!! He does it again!!

It’s the kids’ birthdays. I was hoping this wouldn’t affect anyones relationships too much and that once the kids are toddlers he’ll snap out of it. Besides, we need to get ready for the party.

Although I also didn’t anticipate for the chef we paid good money for to burn the house down.

Thankfully no guests were here yet, or I wouldn’t have been able to handle the resulting chaos.

The house is evacuated, however the blaze wasn’t as bad as it could have been and was put out pretty quick.

Rocco: “When I said about reigniting the flames of our marriage this is not what I meant!!”

Still, no guests ever did show up. This rotation has just been a load of llama doody from start to finish hasn’t it?!

So I decide to proceed with the birthdays regardless. Thanks to the glitch, the kids barely know any skills. It’s caused one of my best couples to argue, no one has progressed in any careers or aspirations and we’ve neglected the dog. Here’s to a fruitful toddlerhood kids.

You all know what toddlers look like and I was too done by this point to take photos. But, so we all know, Luciano rolled Silly Toddler with top notch infant trait.

Summer rolled Inquisitive toddler, with top notch infant trait.

Based on those personalities I don’t think I’m going to have much less stress next time…

I did change their outfits, but it was straight to bed for these two. I’m not ashamed to admit I was exhausted.

Well, thanks all for joining me through this torture. I did it. And you know what, I feel I’ve actually learnt some bits to make my next adventure with infants a bit easier? Maybe…. I hope you’ve found my despair somewhat entertaining. Compared to this, I’m actually looking forward to playing with this family next rotation. And wasn’t it a lovely wedding? See, I’m trying to take positives!

Join us next time, what will the kids get up to? Will Meryl get any attention? Will anyone ever get promoted or move forwards in their aspirations ever again?! Well, I’m starting to wonder…

Oasis Springs Society – Rotation 3 – Summer – Cooper

It’s time for more Oasis Springs Society! I can tell you’re all excited! Last time with the Coopers, Logan moved out with his partner Rocco McRae, Florence grew up to young adult and started galavanting around the Selvadoradean jungle developing her archaeology skill and selling the bits she found. Johnny carried on with his comedy gigs whilst Nancy started to feel a little empty at home with the kids having grown up. We left the Coopers last with Florence being asked out by Maximo, one of the Selvadorada natives who she seems to have taken quite a liking to… despite being in a relationship with Walter.

I am also an idiot, as I should have actually played Logan’s side of the Cooper family first. D’oh! Anyway, nothing that can’t be resolved. So unfortunately for this rotation these two branches of the family will be out of order, but don’t worry, next season I’ll play Logan first and then the original Coopers to get back in to the routine.

Sunday starts off peacefully for the Coopers, Nancy is spending some time with Sam whilst the rest of the family gets off to a slower start. Sam really is such a mucky dog and honestly needs a bath every single day!

We then head out to check out the Rec centre as I had just bought Growing Together! Florence immediately goes to beat up the children’s toys. Why am I not surprised.
The rec centre does look good for kids, but we head back home, where we have a little summer gathering.
Walter also stops by and for once Florence is quite happy to see him.

Oh, maybe that’s why. To be honest I don’t know what to do for these two. Florence has always seemed a bit hot and cold towards Walter who has always been absolutely smitten with her… and now with Maximo on the scene, well, I don’t know.

Nancy also develops the Active trait after using the water slide a few times, I found this hilarious as there will be hope for Johnny yet!

Although it’s a beautiful day, and these two decide to go and visit the romantic garden for a date.

Sigh, I love how in love they both still are!

They have a great time, and end up using the fountain to cool off.

Back at home:

Johnny: “No hey Logan, you’re not interrupting anything son, I can chat. So what’s new?”

Ugh, men and their bathroom habits.

That evening Florence invites the kids out for a homely drink at the cute little pub in Windenburg. Rocco, please stop eyeing up Don Lothario. That is a story for another save…

Don: “Heyyyyy, foxy playables!”

Keep moving Don, if I need another love-triangle story I’d invite you to get in touch. Anyway, Florence and Logan greet each other with a nice hug which is great to see.

And then it’s time to sit down for some games!

The next day Florence isn’t feeling too good.

Although this would explain it… The first baby of Generation 3 is on the way! Doesn’t Florence look thrilled?!

Walter just so happens to come over at almost the perfect time. I have no idea what is going on here, it’s like a renaissance painting. Johnny is wailing about something completely irrelevant, Florence is yelling at Walter. Walter is confused… Sam is just keeping out the way….

Florence: “As I was trying to say! I’m pregnant!”

The two head out in the hall to continue their conversation.

Walter: “Florence that’s great news! I love you so much! Where shall we move in together? Or do we look for a new house entirely?!”

Florence: “That’s sweet, but I’m not sure I’m ready for that… lets see how things go.. in the meantime, here’s a key and you can come over any time…”

Eesh, Walter looks upset doesn’t he.

Anyway, deciding not to dwell on what she would like to do with her relationships and love interests which are now complicated by this tiny sim, we decide to work on Florence’s aspiration. She has to clog 5 sinks at other sim’s homes. Of course Florence decides to hit up the Jangs.

Oh revenge! Revenge and its so sweet! That’s for being such bad neighbours to the Evaristo’s – don’t mess with me!

On another note, there’s something quite hilarious about a pregnant lady bursting in to someone’s home to maliciously clog their sink isn’t there? Anaya started protesting that Florence was being really inappropriate but funnily enough I fail to care.

We then head home to celebrate a job well done with some video games.

And some more vomiting! Seriously, Florence has been so sick this pregnancy it’s unreal.

However nothing stops Florence for very long and she decides she really wants to further her name in archeological studies before this baby comes. So it’s time for another trip to Selvadorada.

I swear Johnny and Nancy just fall more in love at this place.

Meanwhile, Florence heads straight out in to the burning sun to go and find some artefacts.

Florence seems to be doing lots of things this rotation that it is societally questionable for pregnant ladies to do, including chopping down massive thick vines with a machete.

Florence: “Oh I don’t feel so good…”

Honey, I don’t think it’s appropriate to carry on when you’ve been bitten by a scorpion…

Florence decides my advice was a load of llama doody and she makes it to the omiscan baths, which looks absolutely beautiful at this time of day with the pink sky!

Back at the lot, Johnny has a great time doing some fishing and actually really enjoys himself. Look at that beautiful view too! I actually really like Selvadorada. I wish it was a bit bigger and could have full time residential lots there. Would be great for sims who want a slower pace, ‘live off the land’ style of life.

Although it doesn’t take long for Florence to return and catch up with Maximo who is running his stall outside the cantina.

Maximo: “Florence, I’ve missed you so much! I’ve been doing some thinking..”

Florence: “I’ve been doing some thinking too! But you go first…”

Maximo: “Well, move here with me so we can be together, or I’ll move to Oasis Springs to be with you!”

The pair decide this is a great idea and Florence now knows what she has to do when she returns home. I mean Florence, if he can still love you whilst you’re covered in green circles and pregnant with your legit-boyfriend’s kid then maybe you’re meant for each other…

Back home, Florence was rolling so many wants for Maximo including a want to get engaged to him, which is really what sealed the deal for where I took this. I try and listen to my sims as much as possible to keep the game a bit more interesting, then it feels like they’ve made their own decisions on key life events.

Florence decides to pay a little visit to Walter after her sudden realisation.

Walter: “This is great! I can’t wait for this baby to be born Florence! We need to decide on names? What are you thinking? I reckon if it’s a girl then…”

Florence: “Umm, Walter.. I need to speak to you about something..”

Walter: “Well, what is it?”

Florence: “I’m really sorry, but I don’t think I want the same things from our relationship anymore, and I really want us to go our separate ways Walter. I’m sorry… I still want you in this baby’s life and at the birth, but I can’t see forever with you…”

He looked absolutely crushed, but from the surface things were resolved quite amicably… Florence wasn’t even sad. I hope she’s sure about this, as I always shipped her and Walter together but this is what she wanted. Ah butts, I just love little Walter so much.

Ironically not long after the awkwardness, Florence goes in to labour. Florence strikes me as the sort of girl who doesn’t mess around and would want this process over asap… so we head to the hospital.

Walter: “Where is she?! I got here as quick as I could!”

Poor Walter, I love you. You don’t deserve any of this.

Anyway, Dr Wren delivers the baby safely. A little baby boy, Francis Cooper.

Whilst back at home, Sam ages up to elder. How can this be?! Sam feels like he’s barely had time as part of the family!

Well, despite the relationship coming to an end, Walter is still like a second son to Nancy and Johnny and the house key means he can come and see Francis whenever he likes. I like to think he’s talking to Nancy here about the birth of his son.. Speaking of which….

Florence: “Here he is Walter! Look, I really think he looks like you!”

Oh my gosh, look at that little smile.

And the two just go to hug outside before Walter then leaves for the night.

(I actually didn’t make them do this… my heart… Walter is just so happy!)

Johnny: “Hey! Did anyone ring for a celebrity?!”

That’s right, Johnny got a chance card to be propelled to the top of his career and to gain some fame so he has come home incredibly happy tonight. And for once, it seems like everyone in the Cooper household is just perfectly happy with just the way things are.

The next morning, Johnny and Sam have some lovely snuggles on the bench. I love Sam so much!

Walter is of course already at the house and eating the birthday cake Nancy had made for the upcoming party. Sigh.

… As it’s time for Nancy and Johnny to follow Kirby’s footsteps and turn in to elders!

Johnny decides to go first. Cheered on by a small number of family and friends. I don’t think the Evaristo’s could make it for some reason?

Sigh, one elderly guy coming through! Now for Nancy.

Although, old age suits these two. Johnny looks very comfortable as the funny grandfather type character, and Nancy’s features appear soft and beautiful in her old age. They sit down together for a slice of cake, certainly a much quieter birthday party than they have previously been used to. Remember when Nancy used to streak all the time?!

Ever since the birth of Francis and starting a relationship with Maximo, Florence has said she has found a reason to be happy and has gained the cheerful trait. Which is lovely really… Maximo decides to move in, although my jaw dropped when I read his traits.

His aspiration is serial romantic and traits are creative, materialistic, family-oriented and alluring. Ok, so he’ll cheat with everyone, but at least he’ll love his kids… Oh Florence. I’m sorry but I think you made the wrong choice.

Never mind though. Florence’s hands will be kept full with Francis for a little while, who really does look like Walter. My babies never stay babies for very long, and I wanted him to become an infant before the end of the rotation…

Francis rolls the intense infant trait. Of course. Great, thank you very much dice.

Still, Maximo is off to a good start with helping to care for Francis.

And then, in the final slithers of this rotation, we fulfil Florence’s want of getting engaged to Maximo.

The Cooper’s have become a family a bit like a patchwork quilt haven’t they? I really didn’t think my game would take this direction. I didn’t expect Florence to ever have kids or want to get married, but she is so happy right now that I’m just happy to let it happen! So join us next time for more Oasis Springs Society, how will Maximo settle in? How intense will Francis be?! How will the wedding go? Will Johnny and Nancy enjoy old age? And many other questions will be answered next time!

Oasis Springs Society – Rotation 3 – Spring – Cooper

Welcome to more Oasis Springs Society! We’re back with the Coopers. But hey, nestled in to the landscape of Brindleton Bay, this doesn’t look like the normal Cooper house in the desert?

That’s right! The boys have moved out! You may remember me talking about it at the end of the last update, but Logan and Rocco have pumped their savings in to this tiny home in the marsh land of Brindleton Bay.

I’m a little miffed actually, as I thought I gave them a ton of money to pump in to a business, but no.. It was seemingly all drained by renovation to the house. As it was in quite a state anyway, but these boys have a sense of taste and style that they were not willing to compromise on..

Ahem, Logan starts off professing his undying love to Rocco and his fruit salad.

Logan continues with his job in the business career track. You may think that’s an irrelevant caption, but it totally isn’t. As he’s saving money for his business of course, so he needs a stable job to pay the bills and to pay in to the Plumbob Building Society of Simvestments and Loans.

However, he just cannot resist a dog which I find provides adequate returns of happiness and cuteness for the monetary outlays…

Squee!! This is Meryl.

I initially was looking for something like a cocker spaniel or a Labrador, but as soon as I saw Meryl I just had to get her.

She is a total cutie. Please brace yourselves for ongoing spam. Meryl is in fact my favourite breed in real life, so I think that’s why I felt extra drawn to her.

And here’s Rocco. Like, whatever…

Just kidding! Rocco is the next biggest name in fashion so for part of his work, he has to interview townies on their fashion choices. As you can imagine, I don’t think inspiration has struck him big yet. And besides, I don’t think the old masters like Dior, Chanel or Versace interviewed the people walking by their homes for help.

My heart…

When he’s not busy thinking about garments, Rocco indulges in his hobby for his aspiration which some of you may remember is ‘The Curator’. I know that the final step in this is to complete a collection and seeing as I had completed the collection of elements in my old legacy with Yaretzi Waites, I feel that this may be the easiest option to complete it again.

However the shores of Brindleton Bay don’t yield any valuable crystals and I feel we may have to look elsewhere.

Aww, Nancy remains such a great mother, dropping by to visit her son.

So cute!

Logan: ‘You know, we are alright here mum, it’s literally only been a day…”

The next morning Rocco’s hunt for fashion inspiration continues.

Although I don’t think he’s very good at this just yet. 8 year olds in scout outfits don’t immediately make me think they are the next big thing.

When Rocco is not working or collecting, all he does is scroll the internet. Honestly, if you leave him to his own devices you can guarantee you will find him doomscrolling things like bags, hats and boy bands.

I figure it’s time to get the boys out of the house and they go and explore the lighthouse together.

It made for a pretty cool and artistic shot…

And time to warm up by the fire once we’re home.

Logan loves little Meryl and tries to teach her as many skills as possible.

She is such a cute little dog.

Although has a habit of hiding under the sofa. At least she is small enough to fit.

But it’s time for a dinner party for Logan’s aspiration. Nancy is just thrilled to be invited to her son’s new home.

It was a lovely evening, we kept it small by only inviting the parents and Walter as Logan’s childhood best friend.

I also cut this one short as Logan only needed a silver rating and I didn’t want to overdo it.

The next morning Rocco is on vet duty as Meryl woke up quite sick. We choose the most expensive treatment and this is the first time I’ve had a sick animal so I didn’t want to risk anything by not getting the best option.

We go to Oasis Springs after the vet trip to look for collectables and to interview the locals regarding their fashion habits. Why on earth Rocco thinks that Victor and Bjorg are the height of fashion is truly beyond me.

Victor: “Hey! You don’t even have a notebook! How do I know this interview is legit?!”

Rocco: “Oh, trust me, I’m taking copious notes…” *Stares at hotpants*.

Thankfully, little Meryl is feeling better in no time. And it’s nice to see the landscape at the boys’ house brighten up a little bit, it has been so gloomy the past couple of days. But that view with the sea and the sunshine looks gorgeous!

Meanwhile, we have an invisible fire? Everyone was freaking out and things were burning but there was nothing to see? Anyway, weird, but we got the fire brigade out anyway.

At this point everything decided to break too. So the boys weren’t having much fun.

Old Victorian houses and their maintenance needs, am I right?

Deciding that he needed some downtime after everything fell apart, Rocco decides to watch TV whilst Logan is at work. You know what, I don’t even want to know Rocco.

Rocco: “It’s just the weather channel I swear! Apparently it’ll be hot today so time to see some abs!”

Aren’t you the lucky one!

And it did turn out to be a lovely day, so maybe Rocco was telling the truth… he heads in to Willow Creek to go hunting for crystals round by the bistro and I get to watch Kirby and Trevon have a sweet date.

That evening Logan had to tell Meryl off for something.

I don’t even remember what it was, but she was MAD. Logan was exhausted so I sent him back to bed whilst I stressed that Meryl would run away after this.

The next morning it turns out I didn’t have to worry… I was genuinely relieved to find out that Meryl still liked Logan!!

It’s a beautiful day, so we head to the park for the afternoon so Meryl can get some exercise and Rocco can look for crystals.

I just thought this all looked really sweet. And I was so happy as I thought that the love hearts meant that Meryl was having a great time. Anyway, you can imagine how stunned I was when I found out on Reddit that she’s actually in heat.

But whatever, as night fell and with Meryl by their sides, it seemed like an ideal time for Logan to pop the question.

Of course Rocco said yes! I really love these two.

The next morning Meryl gets sick, again, and this time I send Logan with her.

I’ve gone for the cheaper option as I exclaimed in the vet’s office “seriously Meryl, twice in one week?!” so you can see here that she is now sporting the cone of shame. And with perfect timing for the boys’ engagement party!

However Meryl wasn’t the worst dressed. Kirby, what the hell?!

Vihaan still loves her though, and pulls his stepmother in for a hug.

If it’s one thing the Morgan’s do well, it is family affection.

And the party is in full swing. Seriously I just love people watching at these things. I find it so fitting that the teens are chatting whilst Johnny is trying to bust a move.

Chiara remains true to form by cracking open some bottles.

Chiara: “well duh? Did you think the boys had this display behind me for decoration?”

I let Chiara do her thing and decided to watch the rest of the party. I love this bunch! I also don’t know why, but Cliff and Quartz didn’t show up… but they aren’t really social butterflies anyway.

With the party over, Logan takes time to both relax and freshen up. He’s happy with the result of his party and what a perfect way to celebrate.

Rocco’s dad: “knock knock! Son! I heard about your engagement! Can I come in to give my congratulations?!”

Umm, sir… I don’t think the boys are going to come to the door right now.

Yes, this is legit what happened. Fun times! Anywho, that’s all the Oasis Springs Society that’s fit to print for now! Join us next time to find out, will these two get married? Will Logan start his business? Will Meryl get sick again? And will Rocco ever decide to interview a townie who’s actually started off with some fashion sense?

Until next time!

Oasis Springs Society – Rotation 3 – Spring – Cooper (2)

Welcome to more Oasis Springs Society. The rotational save that makes you go “hmm”.

And then probably shrug your shoulders in apathy. But I enjoy playing these little pixels and writing about them! So we carry on!

Last time with the Coopers…. Dates were had, Logan and Rocco moved out, Winterfest was celebrated and with the kids growing up, Nancy looked for ways to fill more of her free time.

I must admit, the start of the rotation felt a little empty without Logan in the house anymore. So the family went out to the pub in Windenburg to spend some time. As you can see, Florence is loving winning this game against her parents.

And even Sam has joined us!

It actually looks like wholesome family fun doesn’t it!

But, wholesome family fun comes to an end for a gathering of the whole crew at home!

Umm thanks Rocco. I was stunned to find that no one actually likes him. Everyone has a very minimal friendship bar with him and I’ve noticed when left to their own devices, he often argues with the rest of the crew. Oh well, there’s always one black sheep and it takes the heat off of Quartz doesn’t it.

Cliff has come prepared for the water slide. I like to think because he’s good friends with Johnny, he gave him the heads up to bring his swim trunks!

The only concern I do have with Cliff though, is that he still has an irrational fear of the dark / just being outside in general. When I played his rotation a while ago he developed a fear of the dark, and I couldn’t cure it in time so moved rotations. Ever since, the fear is no longer showing in Cliff’s simology page, but he still freaks out like it is. He’s been like this for so long now that I’m now past the point of caring. But he often goes around screaming at people.

The Morgan’s are of course being the Morgan’s.

And Florence decides to show Walter a selfie. Soon, Florence, soon. You age up tomorrow and then you can be together again.

The next day Kirby and Walter stop by. Which is convenient that they’re already here for the party!

I love these ladies so much!

And it just slays me that Walter (who is actually very respectful) always greets Florence’s father, Johnny, with a handshake.

Logan has also come back home for the party. In fact, pretty much the entire Oasis Springs Society is here.

Even though Logan would rather get cereal whilst his sister is aging up. And you will notice through the window that Johnny’s pull to the water slide is just too strong.

At least we still have Syrah to be a general sweetheart and celebrate.

After Florence ages up, Walter immediately pulls her in for a kiss. He really is smitten with her and always has been!

Florence is now self assured, mean, dastardly, happy toddler bonus trait and her aspiration remains chief of mischief.

It’s smooches all round as the party comes to an end. Everyone seems to have had a good time.

I was a little bit stuck with the direction to take Florence. I had always pictured her being the villain of this generation, but she simply isn’t mean enough. Not when compared to Quartz at least. She’s incredibly clever and quite independent, even with Walter head over heels in love with her, Florence really doesn’t seem that bothered. It was at this point, that the Jungle Adventure pack was being given away for free by Epic Games and I thought, this may be the unexpected direction I need…

So the family take a little holiday. Johnny loves the relaxed vibe of this place. Nancy immediately came in and started cleaning. I can imagine her being the sort of mum who doesn’t trust that the rental property has been cleaned to her standards after the last guests!

Sam joins us too of course! I figured he’d like the exercise. And I love this shot of Florence enjoying her first day on vacation.

The parents seem to be enjoying themselves too!

Nancy: “This place truly is beautiful isn’t it?”

We take a trip in to the village. Some of us have different motives to each other.

For Florence it is a chance to buy supplies for her to start looking for artefacts…

For the OG Oasis Springs Society, it’s a chance to try the delights of the local booze.

Hilariously, because this is the Sims and anything can happen, Vihaan was also here??

Florence: “Oh hey, Vihaan? Fancy seeing you here in the middle of the Selvadorada jungle?!”

Vihaan: “Hey Florence! Yeah, weird huh?! Well I’m just here to see the local sights, have a little vacation somewhere warm you know?”

Florence: “I see, well I’m going to be doing some exploring… have a great time Vihaan. Just one question though…”

Florence: “… why are you here with your ex wife?”

Yes, you can’t write it. Sofia Bjergsen has for some reason come to the middle of the jungle with Vihaan? Of all the other ladies Vihaan could have invited, he chooses her?! Maybe he’s trying to lure her to some of Selvadorada’s poisonous offerings?

Back in the cantina, it doesn’t take much for these two to be all over each other anyway (they are my most loved up couple!), but exotic drinks and the atmosphere of the place mean that these Florence and Johnny are giving multiple displays of affection.

In fact, they’re not even that bothered that their beloved daughter is going off galavanting in the jungle.

This place is really beautiful isn’t it?!

Anyway, please enjoy some pictures of Florence doing some cool explorer things.

And yes, it is chucking it down and she gets soaked.

So beautiful! I am actually quite impressed with this pack, so far I’m having fun. And Florence so far has actually found a fair few artefacts that she will need to validate.

Florence’s parents however have basically not moved from the cantina for the duration of the trip. Nancy is missing her friends from home it seems and decides to chat with these ladies. Her gossip just doesn’t hit the same as it does with Kirby and Chiara!

Florence opts for a different outfit the next day which may be more suited to the downpours she has experienced so far in the jungle.

Although I think it is definitely better for Florence to be out of the small vacation lot, as when these two aren’t drinking, they’re flirting.

Good boy Sam joins Florence for her exploring today.

But now our vacation is over. And it’s time for a quick swim before we head home.

Normality resumes.

Including Johnny’s definition of normality…

Johnny: “Oh water slide, I have missed you!”

Florence makes. a start examining her artefacts. It seems to be taking an age though, and I’m not sure if she’s doing it right? Maybe something to explore next rotation.

But anyway, she’s invited out for coffee by one of the Selvadorada locals she met on her trip.

They go to one of the nice coffee shops in Windenburg. And hey, he’s pretty cute! And it is love day…

We just so happen to bump in to Chiara, who completely isn’t bothered that Florence is on some form of date with this guy and not Walter…

And well, it certainly seems like she’s drawn to him….

Back at home, Florence continues her archeology whilst thinking about the options for her romantic interests… but that’s all we have time for this rotation.

Join us next time for more fun, adventure, and what will happen with Florence’s love interests? Your guess is as good as mine!

Oasis Springs Society – Rotation 2 – Winter – Cooper

More Oasis Springs Society did you say? Welcome back. This time we’re with the Coopers in Oasis Springs.

Last time a few interesting things happened… Johnny completed his aspiration, Florence and Walter became a couple, Logan and Rocco became even closer… some outings with the Oasis Springs Society were had and we got Sam! And now I can’t imagine this family without him! It felt like a busy season last time and I guess it kind of was, as I managed caring for a dog and managing 2 teenage relationships.

Anyway, it looks like a pretty bleak start for the Coopers this morning.

Not that that stops Johnny from his favourite activity, the shark head slide! Closely followed by drinking coffee.

However, it’s a busy day considering it’s a Sunday as it’s someone’s birthday! That’s right, as I intend for him to be an established part of the family, I’ve held a birthday party for Rocco to age up to Young Adult (and then he stays slightly older than Logan too).

Of course Chiara was the first one to the bar, and Florence and Walter continued to be all over each other.

Yeah, everything seemed to be going as well as it could be, considering these types of social events always descend to chaos when you have to socialise with townies.

Speaking of which, Sofia decided to show up for some reason. Umm, you weren’t even invited hon.

Chiara: “Well she still wants her face to have some air-time”

Chiara, I think you should leave those two drinks there, you’ve had enough.

Anyway, poor little Rocco grew up pretty much on his own. Everyone apart from Florence, Syrah and this guy were all too busy drinking.

Nope, nope, not awkward at all.

Anyway, the rest of the party was spent socialising. Rocco grew up looking exactly the same (as teen to YA always do for some weird reason)… so we wrapped things swiftly up before it started to snow heavier.

Ah, it may be snowing just a couple of hours ago at the party, but in Oasis Springs it’s somehow warm enough in winter to still be able to walk your dog in a bathing suit. Go figure.

That afternoon Vihaan comes round for some video games, which you will notice throughout seasons, is something that he and Johnny like to do.

Umm, no one invited this lady though.

Florence however, was waiting outside for her young love. Walter Morgan is at this house pretty much every day.

Florence decides to show off her outfit, which is great honey, seeing as you look exactly the same as every other day *pats*.

These two take some cute relationship selfies by the front door.

Aww look!

I still don’t know how I feel about them as a couple. Walter is absolutely smitten for Florence, but I just don’t know how they suit each other… still, we’ll just see what happens.

Meanwhile, Logan has been asking for advice a lot recently, I think he’s trying to cram as much guidance in to his final teen years as possible.

And the afternoon carries on quite quietly…

Apart from Logan who goes and cries over something. I don’t know.. I think he may have even been having a mood swing at this point. I don’t remember.

At this point I remember Florence’s selfies. I think it’s pretty self explanatory which one we’ll be keeping.

Sam remains the best dog ever.

The next day, Florence comes home from school and to my delight has entered the ‘loud’ phase.

For a sim who is mean, this makes her even more obnoxious than usual and she goes to yell at Sam who looks extremely confused.

This broke my heart as I can’t stand people being mean to animals. Even pixel ones, so I do have Johnny go and discipline Florence about this.

Tired of the domestic bliss that this family brings, we decide to have an outing of the whole crew at the Oasis Springs bar. Johnny did start a comedy routine but as you can tell, no one cared.

The time was spent dancing instead.

And then the girls spotted an ice rink in the parking lot, so we went to do that for a little bit.

Considering these two have pretty good fitness skill, they spent a lot of time on their backsides. Johnny however, who absolutely hates fitness stayed on his feet the whole time.

Figuring that Nancy had significantly damaged her coccyx by now, and that the kids would be home from school, we go home.

Ah yes, home. The most comfortable place on earth. Florence now does nothing but swear and stomp around. It truly is very welcoming.

Sam also has a habit of sleeping right in the doorway leaving members of the family to magically glitch half of themselves through the wall.

But none of that really matters on a day like today. It’s Winterfest!

Nancy looks particularly happy with her cooking.

After a grand breakfast it’s time to decorate the tree. You can tell that this is one of Nancy’s favourite traditions. She’s so homely.

Johnny: “At least I still have time for the slide!”

Yes, you do, although is there any point in the umbrella? The rain is doing nothing that you’re not already doing to yourself…

Johnny then goes to his second love, to fix the coffee pot. I figured it would be quite ironic if he died of electrocution fixing this thing. Thankfully, he remained alive.

Anywho, it’s time for a Winterfest birthday. Logan is quietly growing up to young adult.

For his final trait he rolled jealous.

One of my least favourite traits of the whole game. Great. I am now going to have a lifetime of ‘where’s my partner?!’ moodlets. I used to really like you, Logan. Don’t let me down.

I have plans for Logan and Rocco to get their own home at the end of the season and to have Logan start a different career. In the mean time he takes a job in business for some quick cash and goes to work on his logic skill.

Not that he has much time to practice, as look who is literally sprinting down the street.

Rocco: “Oh Logan my love! I came as quick as I could. Those three days whilst I was an adult and you were a teen were hellish! Thank our plumbobs that we’re now the same age again and can continue our relationship!”

More soppy stuff was said, hands were held, kissing was done etc etc.

And as I said, Walter is here almost every day. No one invited him, but for some reason he has no problem whipping his clothes off to go on the slide with his girlfriend’s dad.

Walter: “Hey, I always pack my swim trunks when I come here!”

With all the chaos going on outside, it’s easy to forget that it is still Winterfest.

Father Winter only gives gifts to the kids this year as they were the only two bothered by it. Johnny and Nancy were showing their age and were in bed having a nap by 8pm!

Logan gets a good present, I don’t think Florence did.

The next morning is started with a jog. It’s felt a bit difficult this season as there isn’t a lot of winter plants in the garden to tend and with the kids growing up, Nancy hasn’t had a lot to do.

So she takes Sam out to Brindleton Bay.

But I forgot that everywhere in Winter apart from Oasis Springs is covered in snow and it seemed pointless having a drink and freezing to death, so we go home.

Bartender: “You would be surprised the lengths some sims go to for a drink. I’m out here in all weathers and I really think my employer needs to do more in terms of workplace protections!”

Umm,… join a union, is all I can say…

Florence is no longer loud, but she is incredibly overdramatic, or whatever the phase is.

For a sim who is mean, argumentative and generally standoffish, she does nothing but cry at the drop of a hat.

Here we go again. She was so over the top with this one that I really thought she was going to collapse to the floor. So I thought long and hard… what would cheer Florence up….?

Well! Working on her aspiration of course! She has to do some pranks on someone, so I peruse my list of victims… by which I mean, see who’s walking by the house.

She picks this lady, but is lacking so much confidence that she can’t even complete her prank. Good Llama Above, Florence! Get on with it.

Lady: “Aww, it’s alright dear, be as mean as you like. I’m a townie, this is the most social interaction I’m ever going to get, I’m glad of it… get it out your system”

Anyway, the next day, Florence is at school and Logan is at work. My daughter was playing my save and I only just realised that this bar has a downstairs!! So I sent Nancy and Johnny to their favourite date spot to have some drinks and try it out.

It was all going well until this lady flirted with Nancy. Johnny was absolutely raging and let this ruin the date. What is it with townies and their lack of shame?

We have a quick game on the football table and then head home.

Johnny is taking the solitary flirt a little hard. Umm, Johnny, you’re only hurting yourself by doing that because I’m going to make you pick it up and put the rubbish back in straight away…

Deciding to focus on a relationship where the couple doesn’t hate each other, Logan and Rocco go out to dinner in the middle of a blizzard.

Mortimer and Bella also decide to show their faces.

Where Bella and this guy immediately flirt. Mortimer genuinely doesn’t seem to care. I don’t understand how he feels so comfortable being ignorant to his wife across the entire sims franchise.

Mortimer: “Hey, when you’re getting as much as I am, you tend to be able to look the other way about the small stuff.”

Umm, he means as many chess matches, kids. Hmm, yes, as many chess matches. The Goths and their small, wooden pieces… am I right?!

Rocco turns up looking like a member of the Men in Black. But these two are having a nice evening.

Even Trevon and Kirby are here! He’s currently strutting out thinking of spaceship woohoo. Ok Trevon, whatever you like.

Anyway, these two are the absolute cutest of cute couples. I love them, they compliment each other so well.

Here they are complimenting each other, whilst Chiara is dining out with this guy?

I have absolutely no idea. I don’t know who this guy is, I’m not sure why he knows Chiara, I’m not sure why he’s wearing something quite casual to a fancy restaurant, I’m not sure why Chiara is with a guy who is lowering the tone so much. Anyway, the boys don’t seem to mind and only have eyes for each other.

After their meal, they go back to the house for the night. I was pretty impressed, it was the night on the town event and I was expecting some money off the bill, but they got their dinner completely free!

They decide to take some selfies in the garden, when Logan asks Rocco to move in. Rocco’s stats are as follows:

Rocco McRae: Mean, Outgoing, Vegetarian, Collector
Aspiration: The Curator

Now, I was in a bit of a dilemma, as I play a cheat free game. I moved Rocco’s family in to a large house in Oasis Springs. They are richer than the sultan. Even with buying a mansion, they still had close to 1 million in the bank. Now, I have plans for these two to buy a comfortable home and work on their respective careers (more on that when I play their rotation!) so I had to work out how much money to move Rocco in with.

I figured that 60k was pocket change, and would help set the boys up with a pretty decent home when they move out at the end of the season.

I was also robbed, as Rocco isn’t an alien at all! But we all saw what we saw when they started dating, Logan fooled around with Rocco and was pissed that he’d been deceived as Rocco was an alien. I was pretty cross about this, but it’s a good job I love these two instead of being inclined to break them up. I’m sure I’ll let Rocco off.

It was at that precise moment, with one day left of the season, that Johnny Zest goes outside ready to be picked up for his date with a probe and an alien with the initials PT.

Damnit! I know they wanted another baby but not like this!!! I was on tenterhooks for the rest of the season watching out for any signs of alien pregnancy, but thankfully the aliens decided they didn’t want to use Johnny’s genes for the purpose of alien / sim procreation.

Florence: “Brother.”

Now you may be wondering who gave the teenager that cocktail. It was Rocco! I’ll let him off because he was celebrating New Years, but he’s already absolutely hilarious.

The rest of the family then decide to have a meeting in the bathroom.

Before counting down til midnight.

Meanwhile, Johnny is throwing up. I was seriously concerned at this point. But no, thankfully no alien pregnancy, just a sickness bug.

And we finally celebrate the new year. Vihaan has joined us for the occasion, whilst Florence doesn’t seem to give two hoots.

These two see in the new year with some kisses though! I have a feeling Logan and Rocco are going to get on just great.

Join us next time for more Oasis Springs Society. Next in the rotation we’ll be with the Evaristo’s. When we join the Coopers again we should have Florence growing up and Logan and Rocco moving out and experiencing the beginning of their lives together. Find out next time if Florence’s mood swings will ever stop – will she finally be able to be mean to people?! Will Nancy and Johnny have a nice, normal, romantic date together? Will the shark slide see even more action?! You already know the answer is yes as it’ll be spring! Anyway, in a while, crocodile!

Oasis Springs Society – Rotation 2 – Summer – Cooper

We’re back in the Oasis Springs Society, and we’re back with the Coopers. The family that makes you go ooooh, but you just can’t look away. Last time, both Nancy and Johnny got abducted by aliens. Logan made his personality known when he grew up, and Florence kept being a mean little girl to all. I’m not sure why she’s trying to redeem herself here by setting the table.

Florence: “Duh, I’m a nice, friendly child!”

Pfft, don’t believe the hype.

Anyway, the whole extended crew has come over. As I caved and bought a stuff pack in the sale. Yes, I got backyard stuff just with the Coopers in mind (we know how much Nancy loves the garden, and I was lured in by that sick water slide). Seeing as Oasis Springs has very hot summers, we have the whole gang round for a BBQ and to try the pack out.

Everyone seems to be having a nice time, as always Cliff and Chiara have gone off somewhere to do their own thing. Mm yes, lots of privacy in a kids bedroom.

Florence: “So then I says to him I says, hey pal, don’t you think you need to back off, and I push him like this see?!”

Agnes: “Florence, your work is true fiction”

Florence: “Pah! Who needs people to like you when you can fly out of a shark’s mouth!!!”

Florence really loves this thing. It’s quite sweet really.

Chiara however, finds this new setup most alarming.

Chiara: “Umm child!! As a responsible adult here, I don’t think you should be flying yourself through a shark’s mouth! I don’t know much about aquatic life on earth but I think those are dangerous!”

The kids however are having too much of a good time to give two figs about anything else happening. Agnes and Syrah have talked the afternoon away and have become good friends on their own. Florence just goes on the water slide, again and again and again.

Alexander: “Look at me! I’m Alexander Goth! Your story doesn’t have enough of me in it yet!”

Ugh, Alexander, you were only in the group from when you were Walter’s friend as a kid. I’m deleting you from it the second this gathering is over.

Barbecue over, and everyone full, Syrah even cleans our dirty dishes. Good boy *pats*.

Cliff: “mm, what a peculiar doll. Is this really what the human children like to play, son? Wooden dolls?”

Syrah: “Daddyyyyyyy! Just play with me! Lucy has just come home from school and needs to tell her mum something!”

Gathering finished, some normality resumes. Nancy continues to practice chess. She needs to max it for her career and has got to the stage where skilling is so slow, and so boring.

Johnny however, regularly chooses to go and play sims. I can’t say I blame him.

And little Florence can’t be moved away from this thing. There’s something about a massive shark head that is so appealing to her mean nature. Go figure.

Florence: “And I’ve added soap! Tee hee! A plan most fiendish! So whoever uses the slide next will be covered! What a delightful turn of events!”

Yeah, however it was you who used it next Florence, as you can’t stay away from the thing. So it’s you covered in soap. A mother like Nancy really doesn’t seem to mind and applauds Florence’s good grades.

But hey? Why is the cowplant back to full size? And why have things moved?!

Well, I did up the house. There wasn’t enough space for two kids now (both soon to be teenagers). And I was getting sick of the decor. Trust me, I’m no sims builder and this took me several light years to build, but I’m very pleased with it. I’ll give you a tour for the people that like that kind of thing:

Downstairs. Garden neatly arranged (who’d have thought the cowplant would go back to normal size if I just moved it I buy mode?!). We have a small but tasteful living room in the bottom left. Top left is like a den area. The Coopers seem like the sort of family that would have one of them. We have our skilling stuff in here and it’s a cosier feel than the main living room. Then we have this spacious and very tastefully decorated kitchen-diner.

Above, a nice master bedroom with en suite. A nice sized family bathroom and two further bedrooms. Not decorated a great deal yet but they do for the purposes of bedrooms. Then bottom right is the gym area.

Oh yes, Nancy likes the new garden indeed.

Anyway, Logan brings home this cutie, Rocco, from school. The pair seem to hit it off almost instantly.

Until Logan discovered Rocco is actually an alien and felt so deceived by this he had to go to bed.

Rocco: “Umm, what did I do?”

I’ll sort it sweetie because I like you, go home and I’ll work on it.

The next morning however, Logan’s luck doesn’t exactly improve. I note you can’t cancel the ‘eat cake’ interaction. They do it anyway.


And Logan was spat back out in to his own semi-digested goo. Let that be a lesson to you Logan. Do not eat the cake.

It was at this point, now the cowplant is full size again, I wondered what I should call it. For some reason I was very much drawn to either Charles or Camilla. You know, for chewing people up and spitting them out. I mean, long live the king.

It’s a joke, people.

Anyway, it’s time for Florence’s birthday. And where is the little birthday girl?!

Terrorising the cow plant, of course!

It’s finally time to age up. Lets see what the damage is, shall we.

Well, you’re going to have to wait for it, as boy is it good. Meanwhile, enjoy these party snaps. Isn’t it lovely everyone socialising together in this space!

It was at this point that Logan became paranoid and had to ask 2 people for reassurance or whatever. It’s not really going well for him right now, is it?!

Walter: “So yeah, these are my training photos, you can see the muscle growth, can’t you Florence?”

Yes, my little sweet Walter actually marched right up to Florence to show her his selfies, and she loved it!

Anyway, here she is. Eesh, I wouldn’t want to cross her, would you? You can definitely see Johnny’s eyes in her, which just give her this semi permanent glowering look. Or as I like to call it ‘resting bitch face’.

Florence however couldn’t give two hoots, as she rolled self-assured and for her aspiration rolled chief of mischief. No, I did not make this up. It fits her perfectly.

Anyway, our main couple decide to use the time with the kids at school to go to that sweet little pub in Windenburg. Honestly I love this lot and it’s surrounding area. I think it’s so rural and reminds me a lot of places I’ve visited in the UK.

Chatting and couples time is done with beers and bar food.

Until they decide to play foosball. They both had a great time and it was nice to get them both out the house.

Back at the house, however, both teens have come home in typical teenager fashion. Florence is raging about something or other. Logan feels completely apathetic and whined and dawdled all night. I couldn’t be bothered to delve too deeply in to their problems so I think they just ate and went to bed.

Umm, Clara, who invited you over to use our waterslide? Get your own! Why don’t you take that delightful slice of cake that Camilla is offering you.

Camilla: “Moo?”

Anyway, it’s Friday night. The parents had set a curfew and the teens and their respective potential love interests were going to the Bluffs. What could possibly go wrong?!

Umm, this for a start. I didn’t make it an outing of the kids’ group, but Syrah and Agnes randomly showed up. Umm, the Bluffs late at night is not a place for seven year olds. Although I had to laugh, Agnes has a mother who probably doesn’t even notice where she is and Syrah’s alien parents probably think this is a normal, wholesome outing – so crack on kids!

Florence and Walter seem to be getting on surprisingly well. Walter seems to be the only person who actually likes Florence with how mean she is. Seriously, he has a better relationship with her than Florence’s own dad.

I didn’t get any pictures of Rocco and Logan, but they didn’t do too badly at this outing either.

Back by curfew and well rested, the next day Nancy, the kids and the Oasis Springs Society meet up to do something a little different – karaoke.

Logan gets stuck right in.

Logan: “It’s just like when I used to sing to my Britney S’mears records as a little boy!”

Ok, kid.

Nancy and Kirby go and sing a duet together. Look at their expressions. I love them!

Chiara has gone straight for the bar, go figure.

Florence decided to work on her aspiration this afternoon and got some random guy to dislike her (not that it took much) and then she went to do her extra credit. Honestly, this girl is so academic, even though her fun plummets like a lead weight when she’s at school she’s always doing homework or extra credit autonomously. Maybe she’s the sort of meanie who will smash someone’s face in with her unabridged version of Notre Dame de Paris.

Seriously, I’m reading the abridged version in French at the moment and even that is a weighty book.

Logan had had enough of singing so got some curry and bumped in to Arun Bheeda. I’ve always liked this guy, poor Arun, trapped with Jesminder and her unrelenting want for those babies she can’t have. I might explore this friendship.

But it’s time to go home and spend the final moments of this rotation doing something I feel is very important…

Oh, just getting your first boyfriend, that’s all!

See, it didn’t matter after all that Rocco is an alien. We love aliens here, yes sir! And these two are so cute together.

Look at them! Although I’d like to see Rocco without his disguise.

Ajhshigtshwihwah! Not like that Rocco, although he’s got an amazing body. I think these two will be very happy together.

And that’s where I have to leave it for now. Fall has started so I need to get to the Evaristo’s and let them have a summer. Having played a little bit ahead, you’re in for a treat. Anywho, join us next time to see who Florence will crush like a puny bug next, will Nancy ever max logic? Will Johnny ever max comedy? Will Camilla ever eat someone she doesn’t immediately vomit back up. Your guess is as good as mine. Until we meet again – adios!

Oasis Springs Society – Rotation 2 – Spring – Cooper

Welcome back to the Oasis Springs Society. We’re back with the Coopers who last time seemed to live it up royally with things like birthdays, gatherings and gardening (which is a good time had by all in Nancy’s book). Lets see what happens this time, shall we.

First of all, Johnny, who has decided to autonomously dress like a clairvoyant recently, decides to go and research some lights outside.

Nancy: “Ok honey,” *rolls eyes* “I’ll see you later then.”

And of course, he’s sucked in to space. Damnit Johnny, my third sim ever to be abducted and it’s frickin’ Johnny Zest over here. Ok, this is fine. I was totally in two minds about him coming back pregnant (I know it’s not a certainty in TS4 like it was in TS2), and on one hand really didn’t want him to because we have no room or time for another baby.. on the other hand I thought it would be neat, and Nancy gets that baby she keeps going on about.

Amazingly, their father’s butt probing brings the kids closer together as they do their homework after school.

Logan: “Do you think the alien baby will have purple skin like Chiara?!”

Although Johnny seems to need to put rumours at rest.

Johnny: “Now kids, I know there’s been some uncertainty regarding daddy’s recent time with the aliens. But I want to put your minds at rest… there will be no little alien brother or sister… and if you don’t count the horrific burning to my backside at every waking moment, daddy is completely fine, mmkay?”

Logan seems to be taking it in, Florence on the other hand couldn’t give two hoots.

Anyway, double birthday party time! And look at these two dorks! I love their friendship so much!

And all the kids come over too. Florence is just enthusing them with an anecdote right now. Please tell me she is not talking about her father’s probing. Although the kids do seem very interested in what she has to say.

Logan is going through a rebellious phase right now, so just decides to tease everyone all the time. Chiara and Cliff find all of this romantic for some reason?

Anyway, as is always the case at an event for adults, no one really seems to care when Johnny and Nancy blow their candles out and age up to adult.

In fact, Logan has decided to go and do his extra credit on free will outside. Both of these kids are really very studious. They’re always doing their homework and extra credit without being asked and I just let them get on with it now.

This is your rotational cutest siblings update. Gets me in the feels every time!

And this guy just turns up unannounced – seriously no one knows him. Maybe he wants feeding?

Florence: “..forget it pal, I’m just a little girl but you don’t want to mess with me.”: “

Andres: “Did I mention that I’m fabulously wealthy?”

That is honestly what he’s talking about here!

And adulthood continues as normal for Nancy and Johnny. Nancy is now always stung by her bees whenever she goes in the garden (I may get rid of them as playing rotationally means they get angry between rotations).

And Johnny has taken up the new hobby of fishing as I was sick of having him at home all the time practicing comedy and crap. He caught a koi and a guppy. Not bad.

We kept the koi and named it Kevin, not that you can even do anything with it. Bit disappointing that you can’t feed the fish, watch it or clean the tank out. That was even in TS1 guys!

But I digress. It’s a particularly warm spring evening so the kids go and do the projects they were assigned out in the garden. Logan has to do some chemistry explosion thing, whilst Florence has to do a medieval castle. Hmm, do we really think it’s wise to give a mean little girl a castle project?

Florence: “oh hush, would you rather have me doing this or experimenting with explosives like Logan? Exactly. Now tell me, how big should I make the dungeon, and is there anything more convincing than red paint for blood?”


And I decide it would be a good idea to send Nancy and Johnny on a date. They go to the modern looking coffee house in Windenburg. Not sure if my game is glitched but whenever I go to the coffee shops there my sims never actually get their drinks as the barista just stands behind the counter looking gormless. Anyway, Johnny dares Nancy to streak, which she does. This just gets me every time, Nancy who seems so straight laced is always the one who is quick to take her clothes off!

The next day I decide its time for a reunion of the Oasis Springs Society, the girls were going to go and get brunch but just ended up having drinks instead.

And it was all well and good until Kirby spied her husband having lunch with Geeta Rasoya. This really isn’t doing any good for their relationship.

The girls seem to have a good time anyway, which is all that matters.

Back at home, Florence decides to wreck the dolls house which Logan is upset about.

Logan: *sniff* “Is Mrs Pennyweather alright in there?!”

Umm… I’m sure she’s fine kid. Seriously? Florence may be mean as a rattlesnake, but Logan is potentially a little too nice.

Nancy finds peace discussing current affairs with her garden, which is completely blooming, thank you. She’s able to evolve at least one plant on a daily basis and we’re raking it in selling the literal fruits of her labour to all those health conscious sims out there who want organic produce. Umm, yeah, I’m sure crops grown in the arid desert of Oasis Springs are full of health benefits.

In fact, Nancy has done so well that this picture is actually to commemorate that she has completed her freelance botanist aspiration.

And it’s time for Logan’s birthday. The bees have calmed down a bit so Nancy was able to get some honey and make a cake. The whole gang has come over again.

Johnny for some reason is yelling at Chiara. I hope this is nothing to do with his abduction.

Florence however, really isn’t bothered that her dorky big brother is growing up and she decides to do her extra credit outside. Honestly, this girl is extremely clever and loves skilling, she also smashes through her homework in no time. I never play my game with strict plans for what I want people to be… but I often have in the back of my mind a few possibilities which are based on personality and traits. Rest assured, I have some thoughts for Florence already.

And Logan grows up to be the shop keeper from Frozen. Seriously, that’s him there.

In fact, all of his outfit choices were very questionable. (Case in point!) A lot of them were pink with lots of jewellery, so I toned things down a notch.

He rolled the party animal aspiration – great, another Chiara. And good.

Umm, Sofia, why have you come up to sit on Nancy and Johnny’s bed?

Logan: “Umm… I feel a bit awkward…”

Meanwhile, proof that Florence is just so mean, and doesn’t give two hoots about anyone else either. She has spent the whole party outside and is now insulting Ishaan and Cliff. I bet they wish they’d never sat there!

But this party finally gets a bit of life to it and everyone decides to have a dance.

Even Florence decides to take part.

And then… not again.

I realise I made an error. I actually read some of my old chapters back, and Nancy has been abducted once before!! Honestly, what is it with these aliens? They have a massive population to sample yet they seem to go wild for the Coopers!

Elsa: “That’s it, next time I get a taxi home!”

I’m surprised her parents hadn’t set a curfew anyway!

And it’s time for a date, which involves standing on the path and spamming social interactions. Just kidding! We did actually go inside and have some drinks.. But I got no photos.

Nancy and Johnny do actually work so well together. They are forever autonomously flirting, socialising or complimenting each other.

Umm, Florence honey, why throw a jar of sauce all over the floor of your parent’s bedroom?! *Sigh*

To get out of the house, we spend Saturday in San Myshuno going to see Chiara’s family and then we plan to visit Vihaan.

You see, Logan is the leader of the kids group, so he needs to meet Syrah and Agnes so he can add them to the group when they become children.

Everyone seems to be having a nice time socialising. Although Johnny doesn’t seem too impressed with Florence right now.

Florence: “so then! Once I have completed my plans for world domination, I will rule everything!”

Johnny: “umm… I don’t think that’s what nice little girls say sweetie…. Why don’t you consider a career in comedy like your daddy?!”

Yeah, I’m sure that’ll tempt her Johnny.

Florence just looks so proud of herself with every nasty or naughty interaction. I love her.

Vihaan however totally doesn’t seem to care that his friend’s daughter has tipped paints on the white carpet.

Florence: “wasn’t me! It must have been Agnes, umm yeah?!”

Nice try, we know what you’re like Florence!

Saturday ends pretty calmly to be honest. Nancy helps Florence finish her homework…

… this guy who is enemies with Johnny (for some reason?) waves to him nicely in the street?…

… and Florence continues to insult her brother.

God I love the Coopers. They’re all so distinct in their own ways! But, that is all of the Coopers that I have to print for this rotation… so join me next time! What will Nancy do now her aspiration is complete? How will Logan enjoy being a teenager? Who will Florence annoy this time? Will there be any more aliens?!

Your guess is as good as mine!

Oasis Springs Society – Rotation 1 – Winter – Cooper

Welcome back to more Oasis Springs Society! This time we’re joining the Coopers for their first winter. I completely forgot ages ago I wanted to bulldoze and rebuild their house this rotation. But then I didn’t play the save for a while and so it slipped my mind. Maybe next time – a brand new fresh house for rotation 2 now the family is getting bigger.

Anyway, you remember little Florence don’t you? The second born of the family who is the mirror image (so far) of her mum, Nancy. Well Florence is a little on the rambunctious side and she well, marches to the beat of her own drum – lets say. Trust me, Florence will let you know of any little minor inconvenience. She spends most of her time making messes and stomping around – while dad Johnny just carries on being useless and telling jokes. Seriously, Nancy does everything in this house and makes a neat killing from her gardening work. Actually, the Coopers are my most wealthy family in this save (and that’s saying something) amongst a couple of a chef and a doctor and a journalist and a writer – who’d have thought growing some plants and telling some jokes would be a such a money maker?!

Although suddenly, who decides to show up for no reason? Alexander Goth! Oh, this is going to be good, the neglected kid of the Goth family, with Logan – the goofball of the Coopers. It’s about time the Goths got some airtime in this thing.

Alexander: “Well, I don’t really feel like anyone understands anything about my life! I’m the youngest and therefore forgotten child of a couple who are with each other for money and not much else. And recently I’m getting these weird dreams like we’re all part of some alternate reality. Like in another universe I can’t help but think that my mum was abducted by aliens whilst having an affair with Don Lothario and Dina Caliente was trying to marry in to the family and get all my dad’s money?! Meanwhile my older sister Cassandra was also in love with Don, and this guy who also just made paintings?! I feel like I’m going insane! And no one gets it?!”

Logan is of course stunned. And Alex is amazed that someone has actually listened to his crap for once. He is obviously a very sensitive (and ?troubled?) little boy.

Seeing as it’s a Sunday, we go to Kirby’s house so the kids can socialise properly.

Logan and Walter hit it off immediately and are telling jokes and chatting. It was really nice to see them become friends in the blink of an eye – especially considering how close their mums are.

But look who else shows up.

Alexander: “Hello fellow boys! What are we talking about out here?!”

Seems like Mortimer and Bella gave Alexander a fiver and told him to occupy himself for the afternoon, as he spent the rest of the day just wandering around talking to random kids in the neighbourhood. Sad really.

Oh, my heart. They just both got along so well!

The next day Logan even brought Walter home from school! And what’s a better bonding activity for two young boys than chess?! Like their mothers, perhaps.

Seriously, Walter has such impeccable manners he even emptied our trash. Don’t tell the others – but I think he might be my favourite child born to this save so far…

Logan brought a project home to do so quickly made a start on that. I made Nancy help him to get it done quicker, because let’s face it Johnny isn’t going to help is he.

Florence also decides to come and inspect – probably just to make sure they’re doing a good enough job.

Nancy is truly such a doting mother so they had to have a nice hug once the project was done. Look at that for a medieval castle! I am impressed!

Then, I figure we should get a basketball hoop. In the city, playing basketball has really helped Vihaan stay fit – and Johnny is looking a little podgy there, plus it’s rebate day. He has a quick game with Logan (no – I am never going to change Johnny’s active wear because it makes me want to laugh as it burns my retinae), and Logan discovers he loves fitness. So win win!

Meanwhile for work, Nancy has to drink some of the cowplant juice. In case you were wondering this is what was left over from Cliff last season! Not sure whether it would kill her, drinking her best friend’s boyfriend’s remnants (work that one out), I keep a watchful eye on Nancy. Hilariously, I spot Kirby jogging in the distance there and feel a bit safer knowing the worst doctor in Oasis Springs is around in case Nancy has a funny turn.

Does this look get you going more than some duracell batteries? (other brands are available!) No?! What do you mean no?! I’m stunned by your evident lack of taste. Truly, what an eyesore.

Johnny: “Queue forms to the left, ladies. Limit is 20 minutes each, no refunds.”

I decide to have Johnny put on some clothes that don’t make me want to never play my game again and the pair go out on a date. I sent them to a restaurant that I actually built in Newcrest. It’s a small little bistro that I intend to have a playable purchase one of these days, so I thought they could come here and it gives me an opportunity to play test. As you can see though, as soon as we got here Nancy became sick.

Johnny: “Maybe we should just go home?”

Nancy: “No no, I’m fine. And I’m sure this has nothing to do with what I drank from the cowplant earlier”

Umm, chef lady… that seafood won’t cook itself. Maybe I do need to get someone to buy this place asap to get better staff on board.

Anyway, here is the inside, 2 tables. Small but cute, still tasteful, lotsa class. There are two more tables outside on the decking.

And look, it even has a wait list. The food must be good if professional chef Ishaan is queuing for 3 hours to get a table. What’s more, we can claim that the excellent food even made Nancy feel better! Ok, maybe this place isn’t that fabulous. I’m just proud I did a build that wasn’t horrifically ugly.

In fact, this place must be so fantastic Ishaan sits at a table before it’s even been cleared. Talk about very limited availability!

Nancy and Johnny enjoyed their date which is just as well, as the next day is Winterfest.

Nancy occupies Florence for a bit, doing the santa laugh, and then it’s time to open presents.

Everyone loved their gifts this year.

Nancy is a typical mum however, snapping photos of everyone opening their presents and stuff.

She then goes out and tends to the cowplant. I seem to have a glitch on my cowplant since the last patch. I have all the interactions showing as if it was a full grown cowplant, but it’s still showing as a teeny baby. Like this, Nancy is here playing with the cowplant, but it still looks so small. This certainly makes caring for it much more adventurous as I never know when it’s hungry and offering a cake. I’d hope for some stupid townies to come by and try it out but no luck so far. Anyway, seeing as this one is cowplant in miniature – I have decided to call him ‘babe’. Sweet, right?

It’s time for old father Clement to stop by. Logan gets a gift he really enjoys…

Florence decides to yell at Santa for her gift, and he has to tell her not to be rude! I was laughing so much honestly.

Florence: “I want a pwesent! GIMME PWESENT!”

Clement: “What do we say, little Florence?”

Florence: “Umm, like, NOW?!”

Florence never got a gift off of Santa – so she was of course raging about that. No one cross this kid, it’s not worth the stress (or any potential loss of limbs).

Anyway, Nancy is such a wonderful sim. So happy, so obliging. She loves nothing more than tending to her garden. She’s a real class act, and so she maxes out her gardening skill.

Meanwhile, my basketball hoop is also ridiculously glitched meaning that Johnny just stands there holding the ball looking even more stupid than usual without even trying to shoot – or even facing the right direction.

I decide it’s time to get a gathering of the Oasis Springs Society together, and we’ve not been to a bar in a while – so we head to Windenburg.

Chiara: “Right girls, best 3 out of 5, $50 in, who’s up?”

Kirby and Nancy seem to be much more taken aback by Bella Goth and her fashion sense. Private Investigator Ghostbuster? No wonder Alexander wanders the streets.

The night finishes with a quick game of darts. Then it’s back to reality for Nancy.

I had to laugh that the school rang Johnny the next day with this scenario for Logan. Normally I would pick the one about helping clean – but that’s because I’m a boring goody two shoes. So I tried to think of what Johnny would respond with, and definitely made him remark that Logan is a natural leader.

Anyway, Johnny’s best friend in the whole world, Marcus Flex just so happened to be walking by. How these two became to be so close I don’t know, but they say opposites attract and I guess that’s true for the sim universe too.

Johnny: “Marcus my man! Bring it in!”

Marcus: “Johnny my bro! How’s tricks?”

Johnny: “Oh, you know, parenting these kids and stuff.. hey, fancy a quick game of basketball?”

I just wanted to see that hilarious outfit again. Does this look like a man who is going to go easy on you Johnny? No, didn’t think so.

Marcus: “Hey, know what the difference between you and I is, J-man? I make this vest and hot pants combo look goooood”

Aw, I’ve never realised from this view before that you can see Johnny’s old trailer, and Kirby’s rocket!

Meanwhile, Nancy is dutifully preparing Florence a lovely birthday cake, whilst she causes chaos inside.

Chiara: “Oh, hey, human child! Lovely day to grow up isn’t it. Please, point me in the direction of your family bar.”

Florence: “Bar?”

Cliff, in typical Cliff fashion, goes to read some forums or some crap.

Aw, the whole gang is here. Including Sofia. I didn’t realise that Nancy and Sofia are actually quite good friends. I’ve not seen them socialise a lot, so this must have all happened behind the scenes.

Meanwhile, Kirby is also true to herself and goes straight for the chess table, whilst Walter and Logan stay outside most of the time talking.

Everyone being so busy kind of detracts from the fact that it’s actually Florence’s birthday. The only person who shows support is good reliable Kirby. Anyway, lets see what happens..

And here is Florence after. Would you believe she rolled mean?! I don’t know why, but I had a really peculiar feeling that that would happen all along (I always roll for my sim’s personalities as I feel it adds more fun). Just going to change her clothes a little bit, and then she can get back to the party.

Everyone decides they’ll show up for cake though, they can’t get to the table quick enough.

And here is Florence after her little makeover. She definitely looks more like Johnny in her facial structure now, but has her mum’s skin and hair. I got creepy Addams family vibes from her, so think black is fitting.

Oh, excuse me a second – just have to look at the best example of sibling love my game has ever chucked out. Maybe I need to make a Walter fan club – he’s so great.

Anyway, the kids decide to play together at the dolls house they got for Winterfest.

Logan: “I know, Florence! They can have a party. La La La, let me just send Mrs Pennyweather to the kitchen to go and make a cake!”

Florence: “Oh yes, what a great idea! If she ‘accidentally’ swaps the milk for the bottle of poison that ex-con Sally had left in the fridge! Oh think of the terror! The pandemonium!”

Umm, Florence hon? I’m not sure that’s how little girls play with their dollies… and I don’t think they call them things like ‘ex-con Sally’.

Nancy has decided she had enough at this point and went out to go and talk to the tree. Can’t say I blame her. Logan also decided to come out.

Logan: “Muuuuuum! Florence wasn’t playing dolls very nicely! I’ve got some serious concerns that she wants to sabotage social functions!”

Meanwhile, Florence decides to ask this to Johnny. And of course I think of what he would say again… and tell Florence to practice her hiding!

Florence: “Mum whatever he’s told you is a falsification! Obvious lies and a defamation of my character! Because Logan is a big meany stink butt!”

Umm, Florence, just yesterday you were three. So please tell me how you now understand the law relating to defamation of character?

Nancy: “Now kids, I’m sick of this bickering. Can’t you see I’ve tried to get some peace by coming out here to talk to the tree?! Now play nice, and play fair.

Anyway, Kirby briefly comes over for New Years and my sims do normal things for 0.25 of a second.

The kids take it upstairs to play cards. Now that Florence is a child I’ve been able to get them every kid’s favourite thing – bunk beds! And it’s really freed up some space in the room. Of course when I properly renovate next rotation they can have their own bedrooms.

Logan: “umm Florence? I don’t think a normal deck of cards comes with 7 llama heads and 5 stars and you’ve been up to the toilet 6 times already and these cards are a little damp…. And I think you’ve been hiding fakes in the plumbing!”

Florence: “nonsense! This is a custom made pack of cards that I got off smetsy.. hmm yeah, that’ll hold him”

Bored of her brother, Florence decides to play doctor. Maybe she isn’t all that bad after all?

Florence: “now then baby blue eyes that’s a nasty bump you got on your arm… I’m afraid the only option is amputation… and I only have vodka – and that’s only for me…”

Gulp. Maybe not.

Anyway, to hell with this. Kirby called at exactly the right time and invited the family round for New Years. Of course Johnny seemingly didn’t want to put his legs away for the occasion.

Florence, get away from Walter. Don’t taint his sweet mind.

Anyway, everyone settled down to watch the countdown.

When Johnny then scared Nancy to streak! Nancy didn’t care in the slightest and ran the whole block.

Does this look like the face of a woman who is embarrassed in any way?

Anyway, a wonderful New Years was had by all.

The siblings actually hugged on free will which of course I had to document in case I ever need to bribe Florence for any reason…

And then Nancy and Johnny decide to make out. Kirby’s face says it all. Nancy has been wanting another baby this rotation so she’s been under VERY close observation. I’m not going through that nonsense again.

Everyone was so exhausted after the gathering they went straight home and to bed after this so that’s the last we’ll see of the Coopers until next time! Wasn’t it fun in a terrifying sort of way?!

Anywho, no sooner had everyone gone home but Kirby and Ishaan pull out wine (seemingly out of their pockets). They are my kind of people.

Thanks for reading! And join us next time for more Oasis Springs Chaos!